TemplateTuning secret sale page.
I've been wanting to make my own snare drum from scratch for long time, so I finally did it! I made it from birch, which I cut from my property. I don't have any fancy tools and many of my tools are self made, so this was quite a challenge :) Part 1. Milling bearing edges, drilling holes and making the badge I milled a basic 45 degree bearing edge, also filed the snare bed. I had template from StDrums to position all the holes. For the badge I cut two very thin strips of birch and laminated them to curved shape. Then I used a coping saw to cut it and filed it to it's final shape. I have this 'poor man's dremel', which I used to carve letters and edge. Then some black paint, sand and clear coat. And if you are wondering what that badge means, my name is Juha and Juhan means Juha's in English :) Part 1. Ripping logs to lumber: Part 2. Making the shell: Part 3. Milling the shell and adding finish: Part 4. Making the wooden lugs: Part 6. Finishing touches and assembly: Part 7. Test drive!: