marți, 29 august 2017

WORKING SCALE MODEL OF THE LUNGS 3dMentor secret sale page.
"lung model" "long model balloons" "lung model anatomy" "lug model project" "lung model video" "diseased lung model" "making a lung model" "how to build a lung model" "working lung model" Crazy Chris is checking out his lungs and shows you how to make a scale model of the lungs. Objective: to understand how the lungs work. Materials Needed: ~ 2 large pink balloons ~ 1 Large red balloon ~ T Tube ~ Plastic Tubing ~ Scissors ~ 3 Gallon Bottle of Water ~ Tape Step 1) Attach your pink balloons to the T Tube using tape making sure to keep them air tight. (it wont work unless air tight) Step 2) Cut a 30cm piece of the plastic tubing and attach this tube to the T Tube. Step 3) Get a 3 gallon water bottle and using a power saw cut the bottom of the water bottle off. Step 4) Slide the tube through the hole in the cap and add some thick tape around the outside until you create an air tight seal. Step 5) Cut the neck off the red balloon and stretch the red balloon over the cut end of the water bottle. Step 6) Pull down on the red balloon and watch what happens. HOW DOES IT WORK: Respiration or breathing is the processes of getting air from outside of your body to the inside. Your chest is an air tight cavity, so when you diphram pulls down you lower the pressure on the inside of your chest cavity and and heavy ai pushes it way into your lungs to take up the space created by the lower pressure. When you diaphram contracts its creates more pressure inside your chest cavity then outside of your body and air is squeezed out of your body. Without this pressure difference your diaphram wouldnt be able to pull down or even push up due to the air tight chamber. Your left lung is smaller then your right lung to make space for your heart. You might think that your lungs are just to big balloons that sit in your chest and fill up with air. But your lungs are accutally made up of a branching tubes that split off and become smaller and smaller tubes. Eventualy these branches end in microscopic clusters of millions of tiny air sacs called alvioolie which look similar to grapes. These tiny air sacs allow gases to exchange places through diffusion or a process where gases want to equalize. High amounts of fresh air will want to diffuse into the tiny hair like capillaries and same is true of carbondioxice high amounts of co2 will diffuse into the aliviolie. Without new gases being added to the blood stream and carbondioxcide being removed you would suffocate to death. SCALE WORKING LUNG MODEL (how to make a lung model video) "science experiments" "cool science experiments" "science fair projects" "science experiments for children" "science fair prodject ideas" "science experiments gone wrong" "science tricks" "science experiments for school" "science fair projects for school" "science experiments to do at home" "science experiments you can do at home" "science experiments explosions" "science experiments cool" "science experiments at home" "science experiments easy" SCALE WORKING LUNG MODEL (how to make a lung model video)