vineri, 27 mai 2016

InDesign: How to use the Preflight panel | tutorial Save 30% at Markzware
This InDesign CS6 tutorial discusses the Preflight panel and how to customize profiles to create tailored searches. Watch more at This specific tutorial is a just single movie from chapter eighteen of the InDesign CS6 Essential Training course presented by author David Blatner. The complete InDesign CS6 Essential Training course has a total duration of 8 hours and 25 minutes, and explores how to customize the workspace, manage documents, work with text frames and graphics, export and print finished documents, create interactive documents, and much more InDesign CS6 Essential Training table of contents: Introduction 1. Learn InDesign in 30 Minutes 2. Understanding Your Workspace 3. Creating a Document 4. Managing Pages 5. Text 6. Graphics 7. Formatting Objects 8. Color 9. Frames and Paths 10. Managing Objects 11. Transforming Objects 12. Character Formatting 13. Paragraph Formatting 14. Styles 15. Tables 16. Long Documents 17. Interactive Documents 18. Package, Print, and Exporting Conclusion