marți, 31 mai 2016

How to Package an InDesign File Save 30% at Markzware
How to package an InDesign file with all fonts, images or links. There are several ways to package an Adobe InDesign .INDD file. You can do that by hand, manually finding all fonts, images and graphics and copying them into a new job folder. You can use a third-party tool, such as Markzware's FlightCheck or you can use the built in preflight and package features within Adobe InDesign CS5, CS5.5 or CS6. This is how you can Package an InDesign file within CS5 and the same applies for CS6. It is really simple, as you can see. You can also read more about how to package an InDesign file on Adobe's help pages: "Package files You can gather the files you've used, including fonts and linked graphics, for easy handoff to a service provider. When you package a file, you create a folder that contains the InDesign document (or documents in a book file), any necessary fonts, linked graphics, text files, and a customized report. This report, which is saved as a text file, includes the information in the Printing Instructions dialog box; a list of all used fonts, links, and inks required to print the document; and print settings." Full Source: Markzware's FlightCheck will also allow you to package an InDesign file. See: FlightCheck will not only package an InDesign file, but also Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, QuarkXPress and many other graphic design file formats for printing, prepress or your print service provider. The packaged files are also compressed,, which its something InDesign Package does not offer. It also performs a full preflight. So, it is that easy to package an InDesign file from Adobe. How to package and InDesign file with CS5, CS5.5 or CS6!