sâmbătă, 25 martie 2017

Using AV Voice Changer Software with Sony ACID Music Studio 7.0

http://bit.do/djr8d Limited time offer: 30%off at Audio4Fun.
*** 30% OFF VCS - Only $20.97 https://goo.gl/XRqDgF Voice Changer Software is useful for users who want to have a fun time online. They can use it to create exciting conversation environments while doing voice chat in instant messenger programs, or to make humorous fun voice chat/voice calls with PC-to-Phone applications, or to do song remixes to renew your favorite songs, etc. DOWNLOAD FREE TRIAL BUILD: http://www.audio4fun.com/download.php?product=vcsdemo&type=exe&aff_avangate_id=56625 (14 days for free trial) This tutorial will guide you how to use Voice Changer Software Basic version with Sony ACID Music Studio 7.0