duminică, 7 mai 2017

Add Homepage Widgets at the Bottom of Wordpress Theme Twenty Twelve

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http://studiomediacam.com Adding Custom Homepage Widgets in Wordpress Theme Twenty Twelve adds two widgets at the bottom of the homepage. Steps: 1. Go to the Dashboard 2. Go to the Widgets, under Appearance in the menu 3. Below the blog page widgets in the upper right will be two more widgets labeled Front Page Widget Area. 4. It's useful to have one of these widgets be the sign up form for your email or newsletter list. 5. A good choice for the other widget is to make a graphic that provides a useful message and that is a link at the same time to another page on the site. 6. To get the widget for an image with a link go to Plugins and enter image widget int he search box. Click to install one that has a link. 7. Once the image widget plugin is activated you will see the image widget show up on your screen for available widgets. 8. Create a graphic in Picasa, Paint, Grimp or any graphic program and upload it. 9. There will be a place on the image widget to add a link. Copy the link from the address bar of the page you would like the graphic to jump to when it's clicked and paste it in. 10. Click Save and Update. 11. Now you will have two front page widgets at the bottom of your static front page