duminică, 26 iunie 2016

Fish oil and Omega 3's. What does it mean

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It was noticed long ago that the incidence of heart disease was lower in Scandanavian countries that had a diet high in fish. This carried over to people in general that had fish as a greater part of their diet. It turns out that the oil in fish (fatty acids) were high in omega 3 fatty acid, DHA and EPA. With this finding, came the development of concentrated, purified fish oil that was high in Omega 3 fatty acid. We also know that fish oil can be used to help your cholesterol. It raises HDL (good) cholesterol, and lowers triglycerides. It thins your blood and has anti platelet activity like aspirin. It is also an antiinflamatory, which in addition to possibly helping your joints, we now know that blood vessel inflamation may be linked to heart disease and stroke. There are 3 important Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, which are in fish oil, and ALA, which is plant derived and found in flax seed as an example. Your body uses DHA and EPA, and has a limited ability to convert ALA in your diet into DHA and EPA. ALA is considered an "essential" fatty acid, which by definition means that your body cannot produce it, not actually that it needs it. So stick to fish oil, as it has the Omega 3s your body actually needs. When you buy fish oil, the easiest thing to determine is how much actual fish oil is in a capsule, usually 1000-1200mg. You are not interested in the actual fish oil amount, but how much Omega 3 is in each capsule. Depending on the distillation and purification process, the amount of Omega 3 per capsule will vary significantlty. Think about vodka, there is a $10 bottle and a $50 bottle, both vodka. The more expensive bottle uses better ingredients and goes thru a much more elaborate filtering and distillation process, resulting in a better product. With fish oil you get what you pay for. The cheaper products will be less pure, and have a fishy smell, and even mercury, PCBs and Diazinon. A good quality potent fish oil should have at least 600mg of Omega 3 per capsule (DHA+EPA = total Omega 3s). DHA has also been shown to be important in the development of the brain and nervous system in babies, it is found in breast milk, and is now found in some baby formulas. EPA may play a role in mood and behavior and may help children with ADD and even Autism (my speculation).